Compiler & Driver Development

Integration Tests

These are ScalaTests that call out to FireSim’s Makefiles. These constitute the bulk of FireSim’s tests for Target, Compiler, and Driver side features. Each of these tests proceeds as follows:

  1. Elaborate a small Chisel target design that exercises a single feature (e.g., printf synthesis)

  2. Compile the design with GoldenGate

  3. Compile metasimulator using a target-specific driver and the Golden Gate-generated collateral

  4. Run metasimulation with provided arguments (possibly multiple times)

  5. Post-process metasimulation outputs in Scala

Single tests may be run directly out of sim/ as follows:

# Run all Chipyard-based tests (uses Rocket + BOOM)
make test

# Run all integration tests (very long running, not recommended)
make TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples test

# Run a specific integration test (desired)
make TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples testOnly=firesim.midasexamples.GCDF1Test

These tests may be run from the SBT console continuously, and SBT will rerun them on Scala changes (but not driver changes). Out of sim/:

# Launch the SBT console into the firesim subproject
# NB: omitting TARGET_PROJECT will put you in the FireChip subproject instead
make TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt

# Compile the Scala test sources (optional, to enable tab completion)
sbt:firesim> Test / compile

# Run a specific test once
sbt:firesim> testOnly firesim.midasexamples.GCDF1Test

# Continuously rerun the test on Scala changes
sbt:firesim> ~testOnly firesim.midasexamples.GCDF1Test

Key Files & Locations

Defining a New Test

  1. Define a new target module (if applicable) under sim/src/main/scala/midasexamples.

  2. Define a driver by extending simif_t or another child class under src/main/cc/midasexamples. Tests sequenced with the Peek Poke bridge may extend simif_peek_poke_t.

  3. Register the driver’s header in midasexamples/src/main/cc/ The CPP macro DESIGNNAME_<Module Name> will be set using the top-level module’s name specified in your ScalaTest.

  4. Define a ScalaTest class for your design by extending TutorialSuite. Parameters will define define the tuple (DESIGN, TARGET_CONFIG, PLATFORM_CONFIG), and call out additional plusArgs to pass to the metasimulator. See the ScalaDoc for more info. Post-processing of metasimulator outputs (e.g., checking output file contents) can be implemented in the body of your test class.

Synthesizable Unit Tests

These are derived from Rocket-Chip’s synthesizable unit test library and are used to test smaller, stand-alone Chisel modules.

Synthesizable unit tests may be run out of sim/ as follows:

# Run default tests without waves
$ make run-midas-unittests

# Run default suite with waves
$ make run-midas-unittests-debug

# Run default suite under Verilator
$ make run-midas-unittests  EMUL=verilator

# Run a different suite (registered under class name TimeOutCheck)
$ make run-midas-unittests  CONFIG=TimeOutCheck

Setting the make variable CONFIG to different scala class names will select between different sets of unittests. All synthesizable unittests registered under WithAllUnitTests class are run from ScalaTest and in CI.

Key Files & Locations

Defining a New Test

  1. Define a new Chisel module that extends freechips.rocketchip.unittest.UnitTest

  2. Register your modules in a Config using the UnitTests key. See SynthUnitTests.scala for examples.

Scala Unit Testing

We also use ScalaTest to test individual transforms, classes, and target-side Chisel features (in targetutils package). These can be found in <subproject>/src/test/scala as is customary of Scala projects. ScalaTests in targetUtils generally ensure that target-side annotators behave correctly when deployed in a generator (they elaborate correctly or they give the desired error message.) ScalaTests in midas are mostly tailored to testing FIRRTL transforms, and have copied FIRRTL testing utilities into the source tree to make that process easier.

targetUtils scala tests can be run out of sim/ as follows:

# Pull open the SBT console in the firesim subproject
$ make TARGET_PROJECT=midasexamples sbt

# Switch to the targetutils package
sbt:firesim> project targetutils

# Run all scala tests under the ``targetutils`` subproject
sbt:midas-targetutils> test

Golden Gate (formerly midas) scala tests can be run by setting the scala project to midas, as in step 2 above.

Key Files & Locations

Defining A New Test

Extend the appropriate ScalaTest spec or base class, and place the file under the correct src/test/scala directory. They will be automatically enumerated by ScalaTest and will run in CI by default.

C/C++ guidelines

The C++ sources are formatted using clang-format and all submitted pull-requests must be formatted prior to being accepted and merged. The sources follow the coding style defined here.

git clang-format can be used before committing to ensure that files are properly formatted.