Initial Setup/Installation


Before we jump into setting up FireSim, it is important to clarify several terms that we will use throughout the rest of this documentation.

First, to disambiguate between the hardware being simulated and the computers doing the simulating, we define:


The design and environment being simulated. Commonly, a group of one or more RISC-V SoCs with or without a network between them.


The computers/FPGAs executing the FireSim simulation – the Run Farm below.

We frequently prefix words with these terms. For example, software can run on the simulated RISC-V system (target-software) or on a host x86 machine (host-software).

FireSim Infrastructure Setup

FireSim Infrastructure Diagram

FireSim Manager (firesim)

This program (available on your path as firesim once we source necessary scripts) automates the work required to launch FPGA builds and run simulations. Most users will only have to interact with the manager most of the time. If you’re familiar with tools like Vagrant or Docker, the firesim command is just like the vagrant and docker commands, but for FPGA simulators instead of VMs/containers.

Machines used to build and run FireSim simulations are broadly classified into three groups:

Manager Machine

This is the main host machine (e.g., your local desktop or server) that you will “do work” on. This is where you’ll clone your copy of FireSim and use the FireSim Manager to deploy builds/simulations from.

Build Farm Machines

These are a collection of local machines (“build farm machines”) that are used by the FireSim manager to run FPGA bitstream builds. The manager will automatically ship all sources necessary to run builds to these machines and will run the Verilog to FPGA bitstream build process on them.

Run Farm Machines

These are a collection of local machines (“run farm machines”) with FPGAs attached that the manager manages and deploys simulations onto. You can use multiple Run Farms in parallel to run multiple separate simulations in parallel.

In the simplest setup, a single host machine (e.g. your desktop) can serve the function of all three of these: as the manager machine, the build farm machine (assuming Vivado is installed), and the run farm machine (assuming an FPGA is attached).

One final piece of terminology will also be referenced throughout these docs:

Golden Gate

The FIRRTL compiler in FireSim that converts target RTL into a decoupled simulator. Formerly named MIDAS.

System Setup

The below sections outline what you need to install to run FireSim on each machine type in a FireSim cluster. Note that the below three machine types can all map to a single machine in your setup; in this case, you should follow all the installation instructions on your single machine, without duplication (i.e., don’t re-run a step on the same machine if it is required on multiple machine types).


We highly recommend using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the host operating system for all machine types in an on-premises setup, as this is the OS recommended by Xilinx.

1. Fix default .bashrc

Machines: Manager Machine, Run Farm Machines, Build Farm Machines.

We need various parts of the ~/.bashrc file to execute even in non-interactive mode. To do so, edit your ~/.bashrc file so that the following section is removed:

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
     *i*) ;;
       *) return;;

2. Install/enable FireSim scripts to new firesim Linux group

Machines: Manager Machine, Run Farm Machines, Build Farm Machines.

First, let’s clone a temporary version of FireSim with the scripts within it:

cd ~/     # or any scratch directory
mkdir firesim-script-installs
cd firesim-script-installs
git clone
cd firesim
# checkout latest official firesim release
# note: this may not be the latest release if the documentation version != "stable"
git checkout main

Next, copy the required scripts to /usr/local/bin:

sudo cp deploy/sudo-scripts/* /usr/local/bin
sudo cp platforms/xilinx_alveo_u250/scripts/* /usr/local/bin

Now we can delete the temporary clone:

rm -rf ~/firesim-script-installs    # or the temp. dir. created previously

Next, lets change the permissions of the scripts and them to a new firesim Linux group.

sudo addgroup firesim
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/firesim*
sudo chgrp firesim /usr/local/bin/firesim*

Next, lets allow the firesim Linux group to run the pre-installed commands. Enter/create the following file with sudo:

sudo visudo /etc/sudoers.d/firesim

Then add the following lines:

%firesim ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/firesim-*

Then change the permissions of the file:

sudo chmod 400 /etc/sudoers.d/firesim

This allows only users in the firesim group to execute the scripts.

3. Add your user to the firesim group

Machines: Manager Machine, Run Farm Machines, Build Farm Machines.

Next, add your user to the firesim group that you created. Make sure to replace YOUR_USER_NAME with the user to run simulations with:

sudo usermod -a -G firesim YOUR_USER_NAME

Finally, verify that the user can access the FireSim installed scripts by running:

sudo -l

The output should look similar to this:

User YOUR_USER_NAME may run the following commands on MACHINE_NAME:
    (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/firesim-*

4. Install Vivado Lab and Cable Drivers

Machines: Run Farm Machines.

Go to the Xilinx Downloads Website and download Vivado 2023.1: Lab Edition - Linux.

Extract the downloaded .tar.gz file, then:

sudo ./
sudo ./xsetup --batch Install --agree XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA --edition "Vivado Lab Edition (Standalone)"

This will have installed Vivado Lab to /tools/Xilinx/Vivado_Lab/2023.1/.

For ease of use, add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc:

source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado_Lab/2023.1/

Then, open a new terminal or source your ~/.bashrc.

Next, install the cable drivers like so:

cd /tools/Xilinx/Vivado_Lab/2023.1/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_drivers/
sudo ./install_drivers

5. Install the Xilinx XDMA and XVSEC drivers

Machines: Run Farm Machines.

First, run the following to clone the XDMA kernel module source:

cd ~/   # or any directory you would like to work from
git clone
cd dma_ip_drivers
git checkout 0e8d321
cd XDMA/linux-kernel/xdma

The directory you are now in contains the XDMA kernel module. Now, let’s build and install it:

sudo make install

Now, test that the module can be inserted:

sudo insmod $(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name "xdma.ko") poll_mode=1
lsmod | grep -i xdma

The second command above should have produced output indicating that the XDMA driver is loaded.

Next, we will do the same for the XVSEC driver, which is pulled from a separate repository due to kernel version incompatibility:

cd ~/   # or any directory you would like to work from
git clone dma_ip_drivers_xvsec
cd dma_ip_drivers_xvsec
git checkout 302856a
cd XVSEC/linux-kernel/

make clean all
sudo make install

Now, test that the module can be inserted:

sudo modprobe xvsec
lsmod | grep -i xvsec

The second command above should have produced output indicating that the XVSEC driver is loaded.

Also, make sure you get output for the following (usually, /usr/local/sbin/xvsecctl):

which xvsecctl

6. Install your FPGA(s)

Machines: Run Farm Machines.

Now, let’s attach your Xilinx VCU118 FPGA(s) to your Run Farm Machines:

  1. Poweroff your machine.

  2. Insert your Xilinx VCU118 FPGA into an open PCIe slot in the machine. Also, ensure that the SW16 switches on the board are set to 0101 to enable QSPI flashing over JTAG (i.e., position 1 = 0, position 2 = 1, position 3 = 0, and position 4 = 1. Having the switch set to the side of the position label indicates 0.)

  3. Attach any additional power cables between the FPGA and the host machine. For the VCU118, this is usually ATX 4-pin peripheral power (NOT PCIe power) from the system’s PSU, attached to the FPGA via the “ATX Power Supply Adapter Cable” that comes with the VCU118.

  4. Attach the USB cable between the FPGA and the host machine for JTAG.

  5. Boot the machine.

  6. Obtain an existing bitstream tar file for your FPGA by opening the bitstream_tar URL listed under xilinx_vcu118_firesim_rocket_singlecore_4GB_no_nic in the following file: deploy/sample-backup-configs/sample_config_hwdb.yaml.

  7. Download/extract the .tar.gz file to a known location. Inside, you will find four files; the ones we are currently interested in will be called firesim.mcs and firesim_secondary.mcs. Note the full path of the firesim.mcs and firesim_secondary.mcs files for the next step.

  8. Open Vivado Lab and click “Open Hardware Manager”. Then click “Open Target” and “Auto connect”.

  9. Right-click on your FPGA and click “Add Configuration Memory Device”. For a Xilinx VCU118, choose mt25qu01g-spi-x1_x2_x4_x8 as the Configuration Memory Part. Click “OK” when prompted to program the configuration memory device.

  10. For Configuration file, choose the firesim.mcs file from step 7 and for Configuration file 2, choose the firesim_secondary.mcs file from step 7.

  11. Uncheck “Verify” and click OK.

  12. Right-click on your FPGA and click “Boot from Configuration Memory Device”.

  13. When programming the configuration memory device is completed, power off your machine fully (i.e., the FPGA should completely lose power). Then, set the SW16 switches on the board to 0001 to set the board to automatically program the FPGA from the QSPI at boot (i.e., position 1 = 0, position 2 = 0, position 3 = 0, and position 4 = 1. Having the switch set to the side of the position label indicates 0.))

  14. Cold-boot the machine. A cold boot is required for the FPGA to be successfully re-programmed from its flash.

  15. Once the machine has booted, run the following to ensure that your FPGA is set up properly:

lspci -vvv -d 10ee:903f

If successful, this should show an entry with Xilinx as the manufacturer and two memory regions. There should be one entry for each FPGA you’ve added to the Run Farm Machine.


If necessary, you can remove the USB cable for JTAG (the FPGA is programmed through PCIe for FireSim simulations on the Xilinx VCU118). However, we still recommend leaving the cable attached, since it will allow you to re-flash the SPI in case there are issues.

7. Install sshd

Machines: Manager Machine, Run Farm Machines, and Build Farm Machines

On Ubuntu, install openssh-server like so:

sudo apt install openssh-server

8. Set up SSH Keys

Machines: Manager Machine.

On the manager machine, generate a keypair that you will use to ssh from the manager machine into the manager machine (ssh localhost), run farm machines, and build farm machines:

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "firesim.pem" -f firesim.pem
[create passphrase]

Next, add this key to the authorized_keys file on the manager machine:

cd ~/.ssh
cat >> authorized_keys
chmod 0600 authorized_keys

You should also copy this public key into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files on all of your Run Farm and Build Farm Machines.

Returning to the Manager Machine, let’s set up an ssh-agent:

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-agent -s > AGENT_VARS
ssh-add firesim.pem

If you reboot your machine (or otherwise kill the ssh-agent), you will need to re-run the above four commands before using FireSim. If you open a new terminal (and ssh-agent is already running), you can simply run source ~/.ssh/AGENT_VARS.

Finally, confirm that you can now ssh localhost and ssh into your Run Farm and Build Farm Machines without being prompted for a passphrase.

9. Check Hard File Limit

Machine: Manager Machine

Check the output of the following command:

ulimit -Hn

If the result is greater than or equal to 16384, you can continue on to “Setting up the FireSim Repo”. Otherwise, run:

echo "* hard nofile 16384" | sudo tee --append /etc/security/limits.conf

Then, reboot your machine.

10. Verify Run Farm Machine environment

Machines: Manager Machine and Run Farm Machines

Finally, let’s ensure that the Xilinx Vivado Lab tools are properly sourced in your shell setup (i.e. .bashrc) so that any shell on your Run Farm Machines can use the corresponding programs. The environment variables should be visible to any non-interactive shells that are spawned.

You can check this by running the following on the Manager Machine, replacing RUN_FARM_IP with localhost if your Run Farm machine and Manager machine are the same machine, or replacing it with the Run Farm machine’s IP address if they are different machines.

ssh RUN_FARM_IP printenv

Ensure that the output of the command shows that the Xilinx Vivado Lab tools are present in the printed environment variables (i.e., PATH).

If you have multiple Run Farm machines, you should repeat this process for each Run Farm machine, replacing RUN_FARM_IP with a different Run Farm Machine’s IP address.

Congratulations! We’ve now set up your machine/cluster to run simulations. Click Next to continue with the guide.