Printf Synthesis: Capturing RTL printf Calls when Running on the FPGA

Golden Gate can synthesize printfs present in Chisel/FIRRTL (implemented as printf statements) that would otherwise be lost in the FPGA synthesis flow. Rocket and BOOM have printfs of their commit logs and other useful transaction streams.

C0:        409 [1] pc=[008000004c] W[r10=0000000000000000][1] R[r 0=0000000000000000] R[r20=0000000000000003] inst=[f1402573] csrr    a0, mhartid
C0:        410 [0] pc=[008000004c] W[r 0=0000000000000000][0] R[r 0=0000000000000000] R[r20=0000000000000003] inst=[f1402573] csrr    a0, mhartid
C0:        411 [0] pc=[008000004c] W[r 0=0000000000000000][0] R[r 0=0000000000000000] R[r20=0000000000000003] inst=[f1402573] csrr    a0, mhartid
C0:        412 [1] pc=[0080000050] W[r 0=0000000000000000][0] R[r10=0000000000000000] R[r 0=0000000000000000] inst=[00051063] bnez    a0, pc + 0
C0:        413 [1] pc=[0080000054] W[r 5=0000000080000054][1] R[r 0=0000000000000000] R[r 0=0000000000000000] inst=[00000297] auipc   t0, 0x0
C0:        414 [1] pc=[0080000058] W[r 5=0000000080000064][1] R[r 5=0000000080000054] R[r16=0000000000000003] inst=[01028293] addi    t0, t0, 16
C0:        415 [1] pc=[008000005c] W[r 0=0000000000010000][1] R[r 5=0000000080000064] R[r 5=0000000080000064] inst=[30529073] csrw    mtvec, t0

Synthesizing these printfs lets you capture the same logs on a running FireSim instance.

Enabling Printf Synthesis

To synthesize a printf, you need to annotate the specific printfs you’d like to capture in your Chisel source code like so:

midas.targetutils.SynthesizePrintf(printf("x%d p%d 0x%x\n", rf_waddr, rf_waddr, rf_wdata))

Be judicious, as synthesizing many, frequently active printfs will slow down your simulator.

Once your printfs have been annotated, enable printf synthesis by prepending the WithPrintfSynthesis configuration mixin to your PLATFORM_CONFIG in config_build_recipes.yaml. For example, if your previous PLATFORM_CONFIG was PLATFORM_CONFIG=BaseF1Config, then change it to PLATFORM_CONFIG=WithPrintfSynthesis_BaseF1Config. Note, you must prepend the mixin. During compilation, Golden Gate will print the number of printfs it has synthesized. In the target’s generated header (FireSim-generated.const.h), you’ll find metadata for each of the printfs Golden Gate synthesized. This is passed as argument to the constructor of the synthesized_prints_t bridge driver, which will be automatically instantiated in FireSim driver.

Runtime Arguments


Specifies the file name prefix. Generated files will be of the form <print-file><N>, with one output file generated per clock domain. The associated clock domain’s name and frequency relative to the base clock is included in the header of the output file.


Specifies the target-cycle in cycles of the base clock at which the printf trace should be captured in the simulator. Since capturing high-bandwidth printf traces will slow down simulation, this allows the user to reach the region-of-interest at full simulation speed.


Specifies the target-cycle in cycles of the base clock at which to stop pulling the synthesized print trace from the simulator.


By default, a captured printf trace will be written to file formatted as it would be emitted by a software RTL simulator. Setting this dumps the raw binary coming off the FPGA instead, improving simulation rate.


(Formatted output only) This removes the cycle prefix from each printf to save bandwidth in cases where the printf already includes a cycle field. In binary-output mode, since the target cycle is implicit in the token stream, this flag has no effect.

You can set some of these options by changing the fields in the “synthprint” section of your config_runtime.yaml.

    # Start and end cycles for outputting synthesized prints.
    # They are given in terms of the base clock and will be converted
    # for each clock domain.
    start: 0
    end: -1
    # When enabled (=yes), prefix print output with the target cycle at which the print was triggered
    cycle_prefix: yes

The “start” field corresponds to “print-start”, “end” to “print-end”, and “cycleprefix” to “print-no-cycle-prefix”.