Running Exact Mode Simulations

In this section, we provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to partition a RocketTile out from the SoC and run exact-mode simulations on EC1 F1. Similar steps can be applied to perform locally partitioned FPGA simulations. This assumes that you have read the FireAxe running fast-mode simulations.

1. Building Partitioned Sims: Setting up FireAxe Target configs

We will be reusing the FireAxe target configurations from fast-mode.

// - F1 partition a RocketTile out
// - Connect FPGAs using PCIe peer to peer communication scheme
// FPGA 0 (RocketTile) ----------- FPGA 1 (SoC subsystem)
class RocketTileF1Config
    extends Config(
      new WithPCIM ++ // Use PCIM (PCIe peer to peer) communication scheme
        // WithPartitionGlobalInfo takes in a Seq of Seq
        // The inner Seq specifies the list of modules that should be grouped together in a single partition.
        // The outer Seq specifies the list of partition groups.
        // Each partition group is mapped onto a separate FPGA.
        new WithPartitionGlobalInfo(
        ) ++
        new BaseF1Config

class RocketTileF1PCIMBase
    extends Config(
      new WithPartitionBase ++ // Base partition (SoC subsystem)
        new RocketTileF1Config

class RocketTileF1PCIMPartition0
    extends Config(
      new WithPartitionIndex(0) ++ // Partition 0 containing the partitioned RocketTile
        new RocketTileF1Config

2. Building Partitioned Sims: config_build_recipes.yaml

We can specify the config_build_recipes.yaml at this point. One thing to note is that we added the ExactMode_ in the PLATFORM_CONFIG field. This indicates to the FireAxe compiler to perform additional steps while partitioning so that the target behavior can be simulated in a cycle-exact manner.

# Exact-mode : pull out a RocketTile out from your SoC
# f1_firesim_rocket_soc_exact:
#     ...
#     PLATFORM: f1
#     TARGET_CONFIG: FireSimRocketConfig
#     PLATFORM_CONFIG: ExactMode_RocketTileF1PCIMBase
#     bit_builder_recipe: bit-builder-recipes/f1.yaml
#     ...
# f1_firesim_rocket_tile_exact:
#     ...
#     PLATFORM: f1
#     TARGET_CONFIG: FireSimRocketConfig
#     PLATFORM_CONFIG: ExactMode_RocketTileF1PCIMPartition0
#     bit_builder_recipe: bit-builder-recipes/f1.yaml
#     ...

3. Running Partitioned Simulations:

Again, we have to specify the deploy/runtools/ to run FireAxe simulations.

    def fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config(self) -> None:
        hwdb_entries = {
            0: "f1_firesim_rocket_tile_exact",
            1: "f1_firesim_rocket_soc_exact",
        slotid_to_pidx = [0, 1]
        edges = [
            # DOC include start: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config edge 0
            FireAxeEdge(FireAxeNodeBridgePair(0, 0), FireAxeNodeBridgePair(1, 0)),
            # DOC include end: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config edge 0
            # DOC include start: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config edge 1
            FireAxeEdge(FireAxeNodeBridgePair(0, 1), FireAxeNodeBridgePair(1, 1)),
            # DOC include end: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config edge 1
        # DOC include start: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config mode
        mode = PartitionMode.EXACT_MODE
        # DOC include end: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config mode
        self.fireaxe_topology_config(hwdb_entries, edges, slotid_to_pidx, mode)

We should go over a couple of changes that are made compared to the fast-mode configuration.

First of all the FireAxe topology specified by edges has changed. This is because in the exact-mode, the compiler has to generate multiple communication channels (or edges) in between the partitions in order to model combinational logic correctly.

The partitioning topology now looks like this:


The upper edge connecting partition 0’s bridge 0 to partition 1’s bridge 0 can be described like this:

            FireAxeEdge(FireAxeNodeBridgePair(0, 0), FireAxeNodeBridgePair(1, 0)),

The lower edge connecting partition 0’s bridge 1 to partition 1’s bridge 1 can be described like this:

            FireAxeEdge(FireAxeNodeBridgePair(0, 1), FireAxeNodeBridgePair(1, 1)),

We also changed the partition mode to EXACT_MODE:

        mode = PartitionMode.EXACT_MODE

4. Running Partitioned Simulations: config_runtime.yaml

Now we can update config_runtime.yaml to run FireAxe simulations.

    topology: fireaxe_rocket_exactmode_config